Commercial Auto Insurance in Gilbert AZ & Phoenix AZ
If you own one or more vehicles for business use -- perhaps a catering van or a landscaping truck -- chances are that they are critical to making sure your daily operations run smoothly.
Since a personal auto insurance policy won’t safeguard your vehicle in case of an accident, Commercial auto insurance is an absolute must. This form of insurance will cover you if an employee has an accident while driving a company vehicle and the victim sues, if an employee is injured in a vehicle and requires medical care, or if the auto ends up in the shop when you need to use it. Commercial vehicles covered under such a policy include cars, vans, trucks, trailers and more. We offer commercial auto insurance to clients in Gilbert, Phoenix, Chandler and surrounding communities.
Business auto insurance, customized
Cover your wheels, employee and company alike with commercial auto insurance from Miles Insurance Group. We’ll tailor your policy to your business’ specifications and work with you to find the proper coverage for your needs. Common forms of commercial auto insurance include:
Auto liability
Collision coverage
Comprehensive coverage
Medical payments
Rental reimbursement
Roadside assistance
Uninsured/underinsured drivers
Request a quote or contact us to find the right commercial auto insurance for your business today.